Tuesday, March 25, 2008

WIN! A Kitchen Composter for your home!

Turn all kitchen waste into perfect compost and plant feed with this Kitchen Composter Set!


Cooked or raw meat, fish, vegetables, salad, dairy and all can be transformed with ease into rich garden compost and quality liquid plant feed.

Simply put it all into the airtight container, sprinkle in a handful of Bokashi bran and let the micro-organisms get to work. After just a few weeks, the contents are transformed into compost which can then be added to your main compost heap or put straight into the ground.

The Composter is odour-free and airtight so it's perfectly safe and hygienic to keep indoors. You can win a Composter kit complete with scoop, inner drain tray and 2 months supply of Bokashi by completing the entry form here.

The competition is open until 21st April and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here now for your chance to win a kitchen composter!

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