Thursday, September 25, 2008

WIN! one of three health & beauty product sets!

Win one of three sets of eco friendly pamper products, worth £50 each, courtesy of!

CLICK HERE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! are celebrating the launch of their new-look website by offering this great chance to win a selection of luxurious, eco friendly health and beauty products.

The products are amongst over 500 new lines added to their website including a substantial new well being range of eco-friendly health and beauty products. The range includes bath oils and soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, mouth wash, feminine hygiene products, lip care, sun care and baby care products.

All of the products do their very best to avoid nasty chemicals and are as natural as possible.

We've got three sets of goodies to give away, each containing a £50 selection of's new health and beauty products:

  • Exfoliating Facial Cleanser and Soothing Mud Mask from the Yes to CarrotsTM range.
  • CoQ10 Wrinkle Defence Crème, Vitamin C Balancing Facial Toner and Glycerin Hand Soap from the Avalon Organics range.
  • Shampoo, Conditioner and Aromatherapy Body Lotions from the Australian Organics range.
The competition is open until 27th October and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here now for your chance to win this beautiful Sun Jar!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WIN! a beautiful solar-charged Sun Jar!

Bring the sunshine into your home with the fascinating solar-charged Sun Jar!


The Sun Jar charges during the day and lights up at night. Made with a traditional Mason jar and high tech energy efficient lighting!

Captured inside the jar are a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar.

Mason Jars are not only beautiful but by their very nature they are completely water tight - so the Sun Jar can happily be left outside in any weather conditions. A perfect garden light or night light for a kids bedroom.

The competition is open until 20th October and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here now for your chance to win this beautiful Sun Jar!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Create your own green Switch List and you could WIn £100 worth of great eco goodies!

Celebrate the great green things you've already done and plan your next steps with our new 10 Done, 10 To Do campaign.

10 Done, 10 To Do is all about feeling good about the changes you've made so far to green up your lifestyle and looking forward to what else you hope to do to cut your carbon footprint even further.

As a registered user of the Big Green Switch website, you can build your very own personal Switch List of all the green actions you've done or plan to do in the future. To take part in the 10 Done, 10 To Do campaign, simply add to your Switch List a minimum of 10 green actions which you have already completed together with at least 10 new green actions that you hope to do in the future.

As a thank you for committing to make the switch to a greener lifestyle, we'll enter you into our free prize draw to win £100 worth of eco friendly products to aid some of your future green changes.


Monday, September 01, 2008

WIN! a Verio wind-up MP3 player!

Take your music on the move without worrying about battery power with this brilliant Verio wind-up MP3 player!


The Verio wind-up MP3 player makes dead batteries a thing of the past and ensures you always have access to your music.

Winding up the Verio for just one minute provides 15-20 minutes of listening time. Also included is a USB and mains charger for when electricity is available. When fully charged, the player will provide music for up to four hours.

It features 1 Gigabyte of internal memory so you always have a huge music library. The player is compact and rugged and also includes an integrated flashlight and mobile phone charger.

The competition is open until 11pm on September 29th and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here for your chance to win this brilliant wind-up MP3 player