Monday, September 01, 2008

WIN! a Verio wind-up MP3 player!

Take your music on the move without worrying about battery power with this brilliant Verio wind-up MP3 player!


The Verio wind-up MP3 player makes dead batteries a thing of the past and ensures you always have access to your music.

Winding up the Verio for just one minute provides 15-20 minutes of listening time. Also included is a USB and mains charger for when electricity is available. When fully charged, the player will provide music for up to four hours.

It features 1 Gigabyte of internal memory so you always have a huge music library. The player is compact and rugged and also includes an integrated flashlight and mobile phone charger.

The competition is open until 11pm on September 29th and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here for your chance to win this brilliant wind-up MP3 player

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