Friday, October 17, 2008

Get set for Energy Saving Week 2008

Energy Saving Week 2008

This year's Energy Saving Week, the Energy Saving Trust's annual flagship week, runs from October 20th to 26th.

Now in its 12th year, Energy Saving Week challenges people todiscover their carbon footprint and adopt energy saving measures to reduce their CO2 emissions.

Saving energy around the home just makes sense. Not only does it help the environment as you cut your carbon emissions and reduce the threat from climate change but saving energy will also save you a decent chunk of money on your energy bills too.

There are various ways you can take action and get involved with Energy Saving Week 2008 here on the Big Green Switch website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Energy saving products play an important part in assisting us to reduce the amount of we use. The team at have put togther a list of great products which may help you in this quest