Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WIN! A ByeBye Standby Energy Saving Kit

Win a ByeBye Standby Energy Saving Kit and say bye bye to standby for good!


This is an amazing energy saving kit for home and office use, designed to reduce the daily energy consumption of electrical devices left on standby. Use it to stop devices being left on standby and reduce your carbon footprint. Now that's eco friendly!

The kit contains three Appliance Switches and one Remote Control, and is an ideal way to get yourself started - you can use it to control up to 12 devices, using 4 way extension leads.

By using the kit and not leaving your appliances on standby, you could save £38 a year!

The competition is open until 11pm on July 7th and is free to enter to anyone who registers with the Big Green Switch website. Other terms & conditions apply.

So click here for your chance to win a Bye Bye Standby Energy Saving Kit!

1 comment:

gate valves said...

this is really nice